Dear Colleagues and Friends, Dear Dermatologists from Bulgaria,
It is my great pleasure to cordially invite you to participate to Symposium ''Dermatology days in Sarajevo'' that will be held in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, September 25-27, 2020.
The Symposium is organized by the International Society of Dematology (ISD).
Scientific program will include lectures by prominent international lecturers, with the aim of presenting contemporary achievements and latest development in many fields of dermatovenerology, as well as exchanging experiences of colleagues from the region and beyond.
Here is our website:
Abstract submission is already open and you can submitt your abstracts for oral or poster presentation by the end of June 2020.
Rich cultural and social program is planned in addition to the scientific and working part of the Symposium and unique multicultural spirit and historical heritage of Sarajevo city will contribute to your visit and experience.
We are looking forward for your participation!
Simposium President
Asja Prohić